Manjushree Hair Oil - English Version

Information on Hair conservation and growth 

The concept of beauty and cosmetics is as ancient as mankind and civilization. Herbs and spices have been used in maintaining and enhancing human beauty since time immemorial. Abundant, long & attractive hairs significantly contribute to the charming personality. Various herbs to achieve this are the invaluable gift of the nature to the mankind.


The current day, characterized by stressful racing world moving fast towards westernized urbane culture, wherein, the dietary habits, lifestyle habits, vivid cock tail concoction of chemicals in the name of food/cosmetics – all have contributed towards reduced health levels along with weak hairs or grey hairs or hairs either grey at prematurity or fall down. To fight this with a good traditional, herbal formula developed in accordance with the principles of Ayurveda has been a challenge.

The R&D team in SDM Ayurveda Pharmacy, has been working through years fighting the hair loss, stimulating the hair growth and accomplishing a healthy hair.  A unique formula from the traditional practice has been improvised and developed - with hair care as the prime objective. In the process, the tradition is strictly followed adhering to the classical tail PaakaVidhi of manufacture along with ultra-modern technology in processing the raw materials so that a superior therapeutic efficacy is reaped. The design of this medicine targeting the hair care is such that although it is Nutritive & Rejuvenative to hairs, in the process, it does not behave as an extreme coolant inducing running nose or cough. Or rather, those who are already suffering from recurrent attacks of running nose or cough or sinusitis may harp the therapeutic benefits of reducing sinusitis, headache along with plum hair growth. The choicest herbs revitalize every organ in the head (the eyes, nose and the mental composure) facilitating their optimum functioning. The beauty of the herbs may be understood as

Improving the blood circulation to the hair follicles and enriching the blood with the nutrients required for hair growth form the 2-pronged strategy in the hair care. Improving the nourishment with the chosen herbs results in – revitalizing the hairs – restores dry, damaged (physical or by chemical treatments) hairs reducing the frizz and leaving the hair soft and dry.

The diverse yet strategic choice of the herbs acts complementing each other promoting hair growth in all types of hairs – oily to dry.

Can be used on all types of hair – oily to dry or Nourishing, conditioner and balancing effect. Great for colored and permed hair. Hair oil eliminate Flaky Dandruff, Hair loss and premature graying as well as splitting of hair

Hair oil nourishes Hair root and scalp & improves Blood circulation to hair follicles

A Luxurious treatment with Manjushree hair oil helps detangle dry hair leaving it soft and shiny, free of knots.


Amla: Due to its richness of Vitamin C, the Amla alone has the ability to fight most kinds of free radical damage which can be beneficial in a number of ways, such as reducing the signs of aging and prevention of hair loss. The minerals such as Phosphorus, Iron &Calcium which provides nutrition to hair Its effectiveness as an antioxidant allows it to increase the health of the skin and give you the glowing look that you strive for.

Bilwa, Amrita, Naagara–this combination prevents any excessive cooling effect on the head while nutrition aspect is unhindered. Hence, patients suffering from sinusitis, recurrent attacks of running nose, headache, heaviness in the head may safely use this. This also helps preventing in recurrent attacks of sinusitis, headache of different etiologies and running nose.

Vidanga, Krishna jeeraka–this combination helps fight the dandruff, itching, fungal afflictions etc.… thus the overall health of the scalp is ensured apart from nutrition – thus ensuring a multipronged strategy for hair growth.

Nyagrodha, Shatavari, Ksheera – this makes a potent combination targeting the hair growth. The micronutrients & proteins are carefully provided through the vital herbs & milk for replenishing the hair follicles resulting into a healthy and strong hair.

Triphala–Subsides the dandruff. A drug conducive to maintain the health of the hair follicles and thereby the hairs.

Coconut oil - Coconut oil is excellent as a skin moisturizer and softener. A study found that coconut oil helped prevent protein loss from the wet combing of hair when used for fourteen hours.


Important note:

Diet promoting hair growth (& even general health) –

  1. The dicotyledonous seeds (namely – Black gram, Bengal gram, horse gram, beans, chanas (2 or 3 types), ground nut etc.… - all sprout able seeds) are rinsed to clear the dust and then soaked in water for about 12-16 hours. Then, they are tied in a cloth for next 24 -36 hours. By this time, the seeds germinate. This sprouted (germinated) grain may be added with garlic, ginger, coriander leaves, salt, pepper along with a wagar so as to make it delicious as per one's taste. Around 50 grams of it may be served per person as a single serving. The quantity of ginger may be slightly increased if at all one feels that this is acting as very cooling to the body. These sprouts should make into one's food habits at least twice in a week – one after the other. One may even prepare a fresh juice of the same adding with small amount of jiggery to make the things different. This provides the valuable proteins, vitamins & trace elements from the natural source which are easily digestible and very essential for the maintenance & reproduction of the hairs (apart from boosting the general overall wellbeing).
  2. Warm food/ drinks make the most of the digestion helping in availing the maximum nutrients from the food.
  3. Fresh fruits, vegetable salads add considerably to the health quotient.
  4. Try to avoid curds (Fresh buttermilk is preferable), junk food, bakery foods and pickles. Oil fried foods – both veg or non-veg - are to be avoided as much as possible.
  5. Try to avoid refrigerated foods, (aerated) soft drinks. Alcohol does not contribute to health in any way and is proved otherwise.
  6. Too much of the sweet, sour and pungent is not conducive for healthy hair growth.
  7. Try to replenish the body with at least a good cup of hot milk, should you happen to skip any meals.
  8. Daily application of this hair oil after bath and retaining it in the head until the next bath helps to extract maximum therapeutic benefits from this oil. Application of the oil onto the hair roots with the tips of the fingers along with slight massage fastens and improves the therapeutic benefits.
  9. Regular hair wash along with gram flour is advised. If felt very much needed, only then, mild detergents/ shampoos/ soaps are advised. Too hot or too cold water should be avoided during head/ hair wash.
  10. Try to cover the hairs/ head from extreme sun, dust, smoky environment.
  11. Be gentle to the hairs. Do not forcefully comb or maneuver the hair (to avoid traction force to the hairs which on repetition is detrimental to hair care).
  12. Any infections on the scalp are to be immediately taken care of.
  13. The results of this oil might not be satisfactory if the patient is on oral dose of certain contraceptives, thyroid problems, severe infections, strong androgenic baldness (may be with strong genetic tendency) etc. Where in the nearby qualified doctor needs to be consulted.


In case of Alopaceaareata (patches of hair loss caused by a particular infection), then as a home remedy - the powder of dried roots of coriander on the affected area along with this oil helps to subside this disease. This therapy needs to be continued for about one month and if the problem still persists, then a nearby specialist doctor has to be consulted.



Highest possible frequency of application in the head (hairs) is advised (to the extent - daily if possible). The application of oil may be associated with gentle massage to the hair roots/ scalp using the fingertips for a few minutes. Can be washed away with any mild soap/ Shampoo during head bath although retaining the oil on the head throughout the day enhances the therapeutic benefits.